Your next MINI could be closer than you think
If you are in the market for a used MINI, then it could be closer to home than you think. Our extensive retailer network covers a large proportion of the UK, giving you plenty of flexibility when searching for your next car.
If you need any assistance looking for a vehicle, then our associates at our Stratstone retailers would be more than happy to help.
Find a car by location
Why choose Stratstone for your next used vehicle?
Home Delivery
Get your car delivered to your door, with prices starting from just £99.
Flexible Finance
Our flexible finance packages are tailored to your requirements.
Buy Online
Buy your next vehicle and arrange finance from the comfort of your own home.
Our heritage date back to 1921, which is when we were established.
Discover your next car with Stratstone
At Stratstone, we have a variety of quality used cars for you to choose from. Each car is carefully selected by our teams before making its way through the rigorous preparation process, where it is inspected by a qualified technician and then fully valeted.
All our vehicles are fully HPI checked, giving you peace of mind when making a decision. In addition, we are able to offer Home Delivery to UK mainland addresses, giving you flexibility when searching for your next car.
We are also able to offer you a tailored Service Plan for your selected car, which allows you to spread the cost of maintenance over an agreed period of time, whilst saving you money in the process.
If you would like some advice on picking the right car for you, or you have spotted a vehicle and want more information, please contact your nearest Stratstone retailer, where one of our friendly associates will be more than happy to help.